
Publication date 18 September 2023

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

Cvss 3 Severity Score

8.8 · High

Score breakdown

In Artifex Ghostscript through 10.01.2, gdevijs.c in GhostPDL can lead to remote code execution via crafted PostScript documents because they can switch to the IJS device, or change the IjsServer parameter, after SAFER has been activated. NOTE: it is a documented risk that the IJS server can be specified on a gs command line (the IJS device inherently must execute a command to start the IJS server).

Read the notes from the security team


Package Ubuntu Release Status
ghostscript 23.10 mantic
Fixed 10.01.2~dfsg1-0ubuntu2.1
23.04 lunar
Fixed 10.0.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu1.4
22.04 LTS jammy
Fixed 9.55.0~dfsg1-0ubuntu5.5
20.04 LTS focal
Fixed 9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.11
18.04 LTS bionic Ignored patch not applicable
16.04 LTS xenial Ignored patch not applicable
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of standard support



the risk of having programs being executed with IJS server is documented in the start of the devices/gdevijs.c source file and in the online documentation: “Note also that if -dSAFER is not specified, it’s possible for PostScript code to set this parameter, so it can cause arbitrary code to be executed.” the commit that fixes this issue makes it clear that there is no way to properly validate it. what the fix does is to provide a minimal guard based on file opening path validation. it will prevent PostScript programs switching to the IJS device after SAFER has been activated. file opening path validation was added in version 9.28, with commmit 9de16a6637b73e35f79d2d622de403b24e6502f2, so in Ubuntu it is applicable starting from focal, for previous versions, the remediation is not applicable. applying file opening path validation for older versions sounds risky and could possible bring other problems.

Patch details

For informational purposes only. We recommend not to cherry-pick updates. How can I get the fixes?

Package Patch details

Severity score breakdown

Parameter Value
Base score 8.8 · High
Attack vector Network
Attack complexity Low
Privileges required None
User interaction Required
Scope Unchanged
Confidentiality High
Integrity impact High
Availability impact High
Vector CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H


Related Ubuntu Security Notices (USN)

    • USN-6433-1
    • Ghostscript vulnerability
    • 17 October 2023

Other references