
Publication date 21 May 2013

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority


Why this priority?

OpenStack Identity (Keystone) Grizzly 2013.1.1, when DEBUG mode logging is enabled, logs the (1) admin_token and (2) LDAP password in plaintext, which allows local users to obtain sensitive by reading the log file.

Read the notes from the security team


No maintained releases are affected by this CVE.

Package Ubuntu Release Status
keystone 13.04 raring
Not affected
12.10 quantal Ignored
12.04 LTS precise Ignored
11.10 oneiric Ignored
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
8.04 LTS hardy Not in release



requires debug logging to be set in keystone.conf. On 12.10 and higher, keystone.conf warns about passwords. Furthermore, level=WARNING is used in logging.conf 12.04 uses debug = True, but has level=WARNING in logging.conf and the log files are not readable on the system (ie the /var/log/keystone directory is 0700) Keystone on 11.10 is a pre-release version and unusable with other components such as nova and horizon fix requires a conffile change to fix non-default configurations that are marginally affected

Patch details

For informational purposes only. We recommend not to cherry-pick updates. How can I get the fixes?

Package Patch details